About Us

480BC Supplies.

Suppliers of Lee Precision Reloading Tools.

And a few other things…


A home based business started in November 2015...yes almost 10 years... out of our love for sport shooting.

We will strive to give you the very best in customer service and advice.


What does 480BC mean?

480BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. 

This was the year that the Spartan King Leonidas spoke the words "MOLON LABE"… words that will live an eternity, the greatest expression of defiance.


Come and get them.


The Battle of Thermopylae…the Hot Gates.

The great Spartan King Leonidas led 300 of personal guard and a handful of Thebans on other volunteers to defend the Hot Gates against the invaders of Xerxes, the Persian Emperor who came with 600,000 of the fiercest fighting troops in the world to conquer and invade Greece.


After 3 days of battle, Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas and his men if they would lay down their arms, Leonidas shouted these two words back…MOLON LABE!


Welcome to 480BC Supplies.

Your first stop for Lee Precision and Lyman reloading tools; we know these products and offer service and advice. We have yet to find the press we could not get working like a well-oiled machine!


We also know a thing or two about flashlights.

Speras, Nitecore, Opsmen, XTAR...only the best!


And we are excited to enter the world of optics with Swampfox!