A quick guide on how to install your Ultimate Reloading Light on your Six Pack Pro.


You could do this by just removing the index rod and installing the light with the Tool Head in place but you do run the risk of not getting it perfect.


Follow these steps to install the URL P6000 perfectly.

1. Remove dies etc from Tool Head by undoing the Breech Lock Bushings with your included wrench. Do not turn the die body itself, just the Breech Lock Bushing.

Remove the Index Rod.

2. Unclip the Primer Spring from the Tool Head.

3. Unscrew the Case Feed Spring from the Case Slider.

4. Remove the 3 bolts holding the Tool Head with the Hex Key that came with your Six Pack Pro. Note: This is Imperial and not Metric, do not use a Metric Hex Key.

5. Clean the bottom of the Tool Head to ensure that the double sided tape will adhere.

6. Note how the URL must be installed. The USB port should face the left side column of the press.

7. Remove the protection from the double sided tape, line up the URL and with a bit of force press onto Tool Head. Careful not to damage the LED's.

8. Install Tool Head and pay careful attention to line up the Tool Head with the Shell Plate…careful not to damage any springs.

9. Attach Primer Spring and Case Feed Spring. Install the Index Rod. Install your dies. Confirm correct function off your Six Pack Pro.


10. Plug in the included USB cable and using 2 cable ties secure the cable to the left side column as shown.


11. Plug your USB cable into a USB Power Adapter or Power Bank…Enjoy!

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